IST offers various services for the safety and well-being of students. These include a 24-hour guard and security service, a fleet of buses offering transportation services for students and staff, a fully operational school clinic, and a school cafeteria service operated by Amashine Catering.


IST has a 24-hour guard and security company contracted to secure the school premises and maintain a vigil on people entering the school campus and grounds. The guards are well-trained and monitor the security and safety of the campus round the clock.

The school issues ID cards in the following categories:

  • Students
  • Employees
  • Parents
  • Drivers
  • Regular visitors

With the exception of students, adults in the above categories must show their ID card to the security guard at the school gate and wear it while on campus. Adults without an ID card must sign in at the security office and wear a visitor’s ID card. Anyone who loses their card should contact the school’s front office to request a replacement card.

Valuables are brought on to campus at students’ own risk. Wherever possible, items should be named and easy to identify. Students must give any valuables to a teacher to look after, lock them safely in lockers or keep them on their person when not in use. The school cannot be held responsible for valuables lost, unless in the safekeeping of an adult. The school does not accept liability for loss of, or damage to, the property of students, parents and visitors on campus, including motor vehicles. Students are strongly advised not to bring high-value items to school.

Any lost items that are found on the school campus will be placed in the lost and found cupboard. Students and parents should approach the office personnel should they wish to search the box for lost items. Parents are asked to label their children’s personal items, such as clothing, in order to assist the school to identify the owner before the item is placed in the lost and found box. Quarterly displays of lost items will be made to help students to identify their lost property.


IST’s bus service is available to all students, with special drop off times for half‐day Nursery children, and a late bus service for students participating in extra‐curricular activities. There is a Chinese helper on each bus and all buses are equipped with seat belts, a first-aid kit, and a mobile telephone.

The cost of the service in is RMB 14,200 per year (RMB 7,100 per semester) for city locations and RMB 15,300 per year (RMB 7,650 per semester) for TEDA.

Pickup and dropoff points are provided for locations where five or more children sign up for the bus. The bus will stop at a designated gate for each housing area (i.e., children will not be picked up at their individual houses so that bus runs are as short as possible.) An attempt will be made to ensure that no child is on the bus for more than 45 minutes, although unfortunately this is not possible for all locations. Please note that students need to arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the designated time. Buses will depart on time in accordance with the schedule.


IST has a fully operational school clinic staffed by two qualified nurses who remain on duty throughout the school day and after school during standard CCAs, athletics practices, and other special school events. Our nurses monitor the general health and physical wellbeing of our students and also circulate general health and wellness information.

In the case of a serious injury the parent will be notified, and the child will be taken to the TJUFH located in Southern Meijiang area. In order to enable the school to handle medical emergencies effectively, all parents must fill out the Health Information forms (Application form E & form F) and submit them promptly to the school. Parents are asked to update this information annually. In addition, parents must inform the school nurse of any changes in their child’s medical condition.

Should your child require medication during the course of the school day, the medication must be held and administered by the school nurse. Students are not permitted to carry medication on the school campus for self-administration. Before medication may be administered, parents need to fill out the Medical Request Form, which is available from the clinic. Parents are encouraged to telephone the clinic directly to discuss medication and medical concerns with the school nurse. The school nurse must be notified if a child is on short-term or long-term medication.

A doctor’s note is required following an absence of six or more consecutive school days due to a major illness, communicable disease, or injury. The doctor’s note should state that the student may return to class, as well as noting if there are any physical restrictions.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children have received vaccinations and immunizations including those specified by the government of P. R. China. Parents are required to provide information about their children’s vaccinations and immunizations on the medical information form provided by the school. In times of medical emergency, including actual or threatened epidemics or pandemics, the director, in consultation with the Board of Governors, may require parents to submit evidence that their children have been vaccinated in accordance with advice given by an outside medical facility approved by the school and/or advised or mandated by the Chinese government.

The school’s communicable diseases policies prioritize care of the individual and prevention and containment of disease. Parents should keep children with communicable diseases at home during the period of their illness and convalescence. Parents must inform the school’s medical personnel of any communicable disease their child has contracted, except for minor coughs and colds. In the case of notifiable diseases, the parents shall also inform the relevant local government authority. A student who becomes ill at school with a communicable disease, including coughs and colds, will first be isolated from his/her fellow students and then sent home at the discretion of the school’s medical personnel. Parents of sick students are expected to comply with the nurse’s request to come to school to collect their children. In the case of serious communicable diseases, including influenza, measles and chickenpox, students require clearance by the school’s medical personnel prior to re-admission to school.

During times of actual or threatened endemics or pandemics of a communicable disease the school will comply with all government directives and will also devise special regulations and procedures for prevention or containment. These special regulations will be published in print and electronically for the IST community.

The director is authorized to terminate the enrollment of students whose parents demonstrate chronic failure to comply with school’s policies regarding communicable diseases.

The school’s medical personnel provide a basic annual health check of all students including height, weight, eyesight and hearing. A written report is sent to parents, stating recommendation(s) for follow up investigation or treatment as appropriate. The school is not responsible for follow up treatment.

The school provides all students with PICC Student Accident and School Liability Insurance (up to RMB 150K) which insures them against permanent disablement or death caused by accidental injury during school hours or on a school organized event or trip. This scheme also covers limited medical expenses (up to a maximum claim value of RMB 100K) incurred for the treatment of an injury due to an accident, provided the following conditions are met:

  • The hospital visit is within 24 hours of the accident
  • The school nurse is notified within the same 24 hour period
  • The hospital is certified by PICC

While PICC will in most instances cover the initial consultation and out-patient medical expenses for minor injuries at international hospitals and clinics such as TFUH and Raffles, pre-approval from PICC is required for any in-patient hospital admissions and surgeries. Parents should feel free to contact the IST finance officer responsible for supporting claims, the school nurse, or the main school office to confirm eligibility criteria:

  • Cindy LI (IST Finance Officer): 138-207-36303
  • Hongman ZHANG (IST Nurse): 138-207-05530
  • IST School Office: 2859-2001

Please note that injuries resulting from the deliberate inappropriate actions of one student to another, including fighting, is not covered by IST insurance and parents will be held responsible for any medical costs incurred.


IST contracts Amashine Catering as its food service provider. The school offers a standard daily lunch meal for all students at no cost to parents. Parents do, however, need to provide their children with a morning snack. Amashine is able to provide a morning snack for Early Years to Grade 2 students at a small cost when parents inform their child’s homeroom teacher. Grade 3-12 students are also able to order additional items (including at morning recess, lunch and after school) using personal funds uploaded to their IST Student ID. Students may alternatively choose to bring meals from home. Microwave ovens are available in the Early Learning Center and cafeteria to heat food.

Please click here to find some basic information about our school food catering services, along with answers to some questions that are frequently asked by parents and students at the start of each school year.

Amashine provides an online APP to enable parents to check cash balances on student lunch cards (IST IDs), and to add additional funds as needed. Please click here for more information and to register with Amashine.

To be kept up to date with our cafeteria services, please visit the links of the cafeteria menus from Nursery to Grade 12 below:

Find the canteen menus for the next two weeks below:

Nursery to Grade 2 Menu (Oct 14 – Oct 25)
Grade 3 to Grade 12 Menu (Sept 23 – Oct 11)
Nursery to Grade 2 Menu (Sept 23 – Oct 11)
Grade 3 to Grade 12 Menu (Oct 14 – Oct 25)
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