The IST Athletic Department provides students with a range of increasingly challenging opportunities to participate in sports and athletics.


These including competitive sporting events within China’s international school community in three leagues: ISCOT (Tianjin), ISAC (Beijing/Tianjin) and ACAMIS (China-wide). Our mission is to provide experiences where students develop essential training and fitness principles, practical healthy habits, and effective interpersonal skills and dispositions to support their physical, social and emotional wellness through sport.


IST Elementary School students participate in formal sporting activities and events in football (soccer), badminton, table-tennis, athletics and cross-country through the International School Conference of Tianjin (ISCOT). Elementary sports offerings are scheduled in alignment with the regular CCA schedule, with afternoon sessions scheduled between 3:25PM until 4:25PM.


Secondary School students participate in the three core team-based competitive sports of football, basketball and volleyball. Additionally, students also have the opportunity to participate in individual and paired competitive sporting experiences in table-tennis, track and field, cross-country, and Ultimate Frisbee. In addition to the standard practice sessions that run from 3:25PM until 5:00PM, Secondary students attend matches and tournaments that are scheduled during the weekend, and in the case of High School ACAMIS sports, may involve travel to other locations in China.

  • ISCOT: INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS CONFERENCE OF TIANJIN: Elementary and Secondary School students participate in seasonal league play in the three core sports, as well as at invitational events.
  • ISAC: BEIJING/TIANJIN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS ATHLETIC CONFERENCE: Middle and High School students participates in seasonal league play in the three core sports, as well as at invitational events.
  • ACAMIS: ASSOCIATION OF CHINA AND MONGOLIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS: Established in 1998, IST is one of the four original founding members of ACAMIS. With over 84 international schools participating, ACAMIS is the biggest interscholastic league in China offering divisional tournaments at the end of each season for High School students in the core sports of volleyball, basketball and football. IST is one of eight schools aligned to the Orange division, competing with schools in China (including Macau and Hong Kong) and Mongolia. IST also competes in the annual ACAMIS Badminton Invitational Tournament each year.


At the conclusion of each school year, IST hosts an annual Athletic Awards celebration in recognition of student and team achievement.
Awards include Most Valuable player-MVP, Most Improved Player-MIP, and Outstanding Team Player for each team across the core sports and badminton. The IST Athletic Excellence Award is presented to a male and female recipient in both Middle School and High School for their honorable athletic and personal contributions to the IST Athletics program in a given school year.

Families are welcome to contact the IST Athletics and Activities Office via telephone or via e-mail.

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